Welcome To My Life




Friday, November 13, 2009
8:54 PM


Okay. Posting once again after not posting for a long time. So bridging is finally over. Holidays have finally began. So thats one thing to be happy about. Other than that, holiday would problbly be the same. Not going overseas so nothing much to look foard to. This year past by really rally fast if you noticed. Its already the Os for me next year. While i made fun of my sec 4 seniors, now its finally my turn. Just great. Haha. But if you're thinking about making fun of me, butyou're younger, think again because you'll have to fade it sooner or later . MUAHAHA ! Okay lame. So i'm kayaking after my post so wont be online for the rest of the day. So if theres anything, i'm just a massage away. =)
So in the mean time...
